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Established in 1919, the Milmont Fire Company as been serving the area of Milmont Park and surrounding communities of Ridley Township. Currently we are seeking all aspects of volunteers for cadets (14-15), Junior Firefighters (16-17), Senior Firefighters (18-up), and Drivers. There are non-firefighter positions as well such as administration, fundraising, and Ladies Auxiliary. Training is free and other benefits for active members. A printable application can be sent on request and/or any questions can be answered at We are 100% volunteer!! Please use CONTACT US for further questions or application.
There's more than firefighting happening at the firehouse than fighting fires. We support community fundraising projects, hold meetings, hold yearly fire prevention open house,install free smoke detectors (Milmont Park residents on request with ID), and provide community CPR training. Every December we hold the annual Santa Candy Cane Tour around town.
Our Hall and Bar is just what your looking for a wedding, birthday party, fundraiser, or any event that you need a spacious room. Hall seating can be anywhere up to 250 people! Please use our contact page for requests and further information. See Hall Gallery for additional photos of hall. We encourage early booking. Dates go fast!
We can do funeral lunch ins, business meetings, or sport group meetings or if you just need a large space for a few hours, please contact us for arrangements.
If you have rented from us , please hit the YELP Icon at the bottom of page or Google and give us a review.
***A link to the 2024 hall contract with rates is available bottom of this page.*****
Milmont Fire Company is a certified training center for ASHI / EMS Safety. We can certify anyone with Professional CPR/AED (Health Professionals), CPR/AED - Adult/Child/Infant , Blood borne Pathogens, and Basic First Aid.
Classes can be arranged for on your site or at the Milmont Fire Co. location ($50-$75pp at station). Rates at your location will vary depending on class location and class size. For further information, please use the contact page and a certified instructor will get back to you as soon as possible.
As long as you got cones and an open area, we can also certify EVOC for EMS/fire departments.
Our Amazon Smile account is active. So don't forget to add us for all your shopping on Amazon!
For every purchase made, Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to the fire company. Its easy to sign up too. Just go to :
and register your amazon account with us. Make sure your browser is listed to the smile account each time you shop. We thank you in advance for your participation and donations and hope you have a great holiday season!
YOU CAN DONATE ANYTIME. We're always looking for water donations along with our yearly fund drive letter that every business and resident of Milmont Park will see in the mail.
We know times are challenging in today's world. Please consider volunteering at the firehouse, but if you can't, consider donating.
Please help us help you with our continued volunteer service to the community by donating what you can today. We thank you in advance .
Check back often for new events!
ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF MILMONT PARK, FOLSOM, AND WOODLYN AREAS!! Across the state and country, every volunteer fire company currently is in need of volunteers, and the number is dropping. Once a 97% volunteer firefighter state , has now dropped to 90%, that's approximately 36,000 volunteers for the entire state! None truer than for the Milmont Fire Company today. As we appreciate all monetary donations and have recently gained some help for hall duties, we still need those who are willing to train to be firefighters and help us help you help your community. We offer free online training with learning new skills at your own pace.
For more information please contact us at or use or contact form at the bottom of the page.
Many ambulances have already suffered and closed services. Closing of volunteer fire companies could possibly lead to shut down of your local fire company , raising of taxes to provide a paid service and even the possibility of delayed response.
Application for membership you may download and fill out. Bring to the station any Tuesday night at 7pm, mail you application, or drop in our mailbox attached to the hall with the required application fee, any certifications, and clearances.
For Initial Hall Rental Questions email Please include your name, contact number, type of event, Date and Time and amount of guests.
If you have already begin booking process please contact Nancy at or 610-809-2329 after 530pm Mon-Fri or business hours on weekends.
714 Belmont Ave, Folsom 19033
Station -610-532-3232 (Temporally Out of Service) EMAIL - (For general Fire Company Information, questions, ,membership, or comments (Best Way to Reach Us)
Contract is for viewing only. Signed contract will be provided by the hall manager at time of booking.
Be advised of new rates beginning August 1st, 2024