INCIDENT: On Saturday August 24th, 10:46 am , Vent49 was dispatched to assist the Upland Fire Co. at Pusey Estates Senior Living Center. A bedroom fire was reported that lasted around 2 hours with @ 60 units responding including Vent 49.
Vent 49 provides a high level of ventilation that blows smoke out of a structure, usually that of large areas such as a warehouse. Something that carry fans just don't have the power to provide.
Should any fire company in the Delaware County , New Jersey, or Delaware State wish to see the vent in action, please use contact [age and an officer will get back to you. Vent 49 in limited to response up to an hour from Milmont Park.
For those who couldn't make it to the 100th Anniversary Banquet, here is the video and review of 2018.
Anyone having video or pictures of the crew in action, can contact web master at