As volunteer firefighters with the Milmont Fire Company, our mission is to provide quick, and professional response to fires, public safety, medical emergencies, and disasters. Milmont Fire Company pride ourselves in protecting the lives and property of Ridley Township residents, visitors, and surrounding jurisdictions. The Milmont Fire Company Serves to saves.
“We will maintain aggressive, and offensive firefighting tactics. Support a safe, and healthy fire company and provide quick and professional fire protection and services to the communities we serve. We will continue to establish a strong community relation, particularly in the area of the fire prevention, public education, injury prevention, and emergency preparedness”.
Teamwork – Milmont Fire Company prides in knowing we can always accomplish and perform so much better working together as team
Compassion- Milmont Fire Company strives to foster a genuine concern for those who call us and do everything we can to improve their worst day
Commitment- Milmont Fire Company is committed to give our total best every day to the communities, each other and to ourselves
Professionalism- Milmont Fire Company prides itself in our professional appearance and service while adhering to strong moral and ethical conduct
Firefighter Code of Ethics Background
The Fire Service is a noble calling, one which is founded on mutual respect and trust between firefighters and the citizens they serve. To ensure the continuing integrity of the Fire Service, the highest standards of ethical conduct must be maintained at all times. Developed in response to the publication of the Fire Service Reputation Management White Paper, the purpose of this National Firefighter Code of Ethics is to establish criteria that encourages fire service personnel to promote a culture of ethical integrity and high standards of professionalism in our field. The broad scope of this recommended Code of Ethics is intended to mitigate and negate situations that may result in embarrassment and waning of public support for what has historically been a highly respected profession. Ethics comes from the Greek word ethos, meaning character. Character is not necessarily defined by how a person behaves when conditions are optimal and life is good. It is easy to take the high road when the path is paved and obstacles are few or non-existent. Character is also defined by decisions made under pressure, when no one is looking, when the road contains land mines, and the way is obscured. As members of the Fire Service, we share a responsibility to project an ethical character of professionalism, integrity, compassion, loyalty and honesty in all that we do, all of the time. We need to accept this ethics challenge and be truly willing to maintain a culture that is consistent with the expectations outlined in this document. By doing so, we can create a legacy that validates and sustains the distinguished Fire Service institution, and at the same time ensure that we leave the Fire Service in better condition than when we arrived
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage,
give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.
Help me to embrace a little child before it's too late,
or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert to hear the weakest shout,
and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me,
to guard my neighbor and protect his property.
And if according to your will I have to lose my life,
bless with your protecting hand my loving family from strife.
Oh, Almighty God, whose great power and eternal wisdom embraces the universe, watch over all Firefighters. Protect them from harm in the performance of their duty to fight fire, save lives, and preserve property.
We pray, help them to keep our homes and all buildings safe day and night. We recommend them to Your loving care because their duty is dangerous. Grant them Your unending strength and courage in their daily assignments.
Dear God, protect these brave persons. Grant them Your Almighty protection and unite them safely with their families after duty has ended. Amen.
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